Re: Hello from Bulgaria

Poslao slobodan on 21.11.2007 9:37:03

gat3way je napisao/la:
Hello, what's up guys :)



How are the things going in your country? Do you have a strong community there, do you organize seminars, fests, etc? Is your government as corrupt and proprietary-loving as ours?

Well, I'd say they are as proprietary-loving as they can be. We'll see if anything changes after the elections that are about to happen on this sunday.

I think we are ok community, don't know what exactly should be a strong one. If you mean "do we have a word in the government what and how should be done" then no, we are not that strong, but we do organize seminars, installfests, translation marathones and are also vocal in local media (TV, IT magazines and similar).

It could be better, of course, but I think that, all things considered, we are quite fine, especially since we exist as an organized group (LUG) for over 10 years.


Do you have any local linux-related projects, userspace/kernelspace developers?

We have several linux-related projects, don't know about kernelspace developers...


And I also would like to know do you have a RedHat local office and certification programmes for RedHat held there?

Yes, privately held by a commercial representative.

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