Re: Hp probook 4710s - Ubuntu 9.10 - noapic acpi=off

Poslao anrxc on 17.01.2011 8:29:33
Razlog zasto je SuSE radio pristojno je sto su njihovi programeri morali osigurati da sve radi (najvjerojatnije Novell i HP imaju ugovor?). Koje su opcije? Instalirati SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop. Instalirati drugu distribuciju i pokusati doci do patcheva (mozda su backportani u OpenSuse i ovo je dobro mjesto za pogledati Instalirati Arch Linux jer uvijek ima najnoviji kernel i drivere, i nadati se da ce uskoro uci u mainline kernel.


The reason SuSE worked fine is their programmers, they had to ensure it does (Novell and HP made a deal?). What are the options? Install SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop. Install another distribution and try to get those patches (maybe they were backported to OpenSuse this is a good place to start Install Arch Linux because it always has the latest kernel and drivers, and hope for the best, or that fixes will enter mainline kernel soon.

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