Linux shell scripting tutorial

Nadnevak 11.10.2000 7:27:35 | Tema: GNU/Linux

Odobrio: kost. Napisao: .
Tutorial namijenjen pocetnicima u naprednom koristenju korisnickih ljuski (ili shell-a kako bi ustvari trebalo biti . Pokazuje osnovne radnje kako koristiti shell skripte. Ukoliko vas zanima tutorial je ovdje
Netko nam je izgleda izvana poslao i vijesti na engleskom kad vec domaci nece )))) evo sto kaze (ja sam preveo): This tutorial is designed for beginners only. This tutorial explains the basics of shell programming by showing some examples of shell programs. A manual may contain all the necessary information, but it won't have many examples which are required to put the point across with greater clarity.

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